Monday, April 20, 2009

Week 14: Plusses and Minuses Of Blogs In Our Classroom

I have grown to like and appreciate the new web language blogging. A blog is nothing but a web-journal. The order of the blog is kept in order just like you would a written journal. Through this course and the projects we had to do concerning others blogging, I found out that there are different types of blogs and almost everyone has a blog. Blogs are used for advertisement, information, and as a resource for students. Therefore, with all of this in mind, I will discuss the pluses and minuses of my blog and a classmate.

The blog that I chose to review was Karen Schotta. Both blogs are well up-to-date. The topics are assignments from our EDM (Educational Media Course). The templates were nice; each classmate chose a design according to their own personality. Each blog have appropriate topics for their post. The pictures that are posted are clear and some are ADA accessible. We both used links in our blog post; Karen’s blog has more links than mine and I like that. Reviewing her blog is helping me to use more links and pictures.

Wherever you have a positive there is a negative. Each person can improve to make blogging more professional. We must remember that our blogs will be reviewed over the internet; so, there are some grammatical errors that need correcting and some blog posts do not have correct sentence structure. I have some links need correcting and a picture that is not ADA accessible. All of this will be corrected before May 4, 2009. Also, some of the information on a few posts is not on the topic. We must make sure we report information concerning the assign topics.

After the audio podcast our group did on Interesting Blogs on the Internet, made me aware of how to do a blog that is attractive for the internet users. First of all, I now that we are not perfect, but we learn from participating and others that have the expertise. As we state in our audio podcast as future teachers we hope to remember to utilize this information in our classrooms. Therefore, we must remember to have great clear pictures that are ADA accessible, correct grammar, usable links and information that relates to the topics. To review our blogs from this class go to

1 comment:

  1. Excellent job Kimberna. I agree with your assessment of the class blogs. In everything we do, there is always room for improvement.
